воскресенье, 3 апреля 2016 г.

Looking for a job in Seoul - the complete crash!!!

It's been 2,5 months since I've been here and it's high time to looking for a part-time job here, actually any job to be able to live here since all my money that I've brought with me are gone already. Besides from the very beginning I was planning to stay here for at least more 6 months. Thus i can complete all the 6 levels of the Korean language. And if it had not be able to stay here, live and work I could feel free go back home knowing at least the language. After all I had planned to teach it to people who are eager to learn Korean somewhere at courses in St. Petersburg. But I paid in advance for the first six months, and for the other half, I didn't of course, as I do not possess a bag of money after all ... LOL. So it's really necessary for me to make this bag here as the life here is not very cheap as you may know ..... This is where the problems start .. Well, to begin with, I have a student visa, and it is impossible to work the first six months here. I mean legally work. Because as you've just arrived you are not supposed to know the language neither the culture. After six months if you need and want to have a part-time here the university must provide a work permit, after what you are allowed to work only 20 hours a week.... Though I can not still understand why I do need to wait for the long period of 6 months if I can presumably speak and understand Korean. I mean it is just an example but truly I'm sure there are foreigners here who already know Korean at a descent level to be able to work here, aren't they? That's a question. Even though my level is kind of basic but I certainly can speak some easy sentences and understand about 70 percent of Korean people's speech......

Of course it is possible to find a job where job offers do not care about your visa, it will be simply not official one..... but ..... There are also a couple of problems. ... There are some job available but they require either fluent Korean level or a full-time up to 14 hours a day, or work at night. None of this does not suit me. Money is money, but I came here, first of all, to learn Korean and i need to for it since my lessons are from 9 am to 1 pm, 5 days a week. That is why "from morning to night" schedule is definitely not for me. At night, too, because I study in the morning, do some home task in the afternoon  and should sleep and rest at night. Besides subway closes at 12 pm and opens at 5:30 am. So it may turn out to be a complete mess. I've also tried tutoring. It also didn't work out option. It requiers so many stuff to be a teacher. The first is a working visa. Certificate of a good level of English. The second- a medical record- the document which proves that you don't have any serious diseases. The third- a criminal record that shows that you are not a criminal and haven't been in jail. You are going to work with kids after all, damn it .....

One thing definitely works for me ... well Korean is necessary of course, but along with it the knowledge of English is required also. And thank God it is something I aware of .... I am really lucky in this.
So  yesterday I went for an interview for the waitress position in the Indian restaurant. The owner is an Indian guy, he was quite nice, but the young Korean boy he is working with was that pleasant in my eyes. He found me too fragile so that I can not handle this work during peak hours. Well, of course, everybody tends to judge only by appearance. Though he is also as slim as a stick. So they didn't call me back. And also I do not understand the reason why the boss consults with an ordinary worker .... Well, one more mystery to my collection)))).
Today I had one more interview. Also as a waitress in a bistro - restaurant in European district. The person who was leading the interview was an American girl. She liked me. The reason is that I used to be in the USA before and had an experience in similar sphere- I was working in the supermarket though don't remember it's name (((((. In short she was quite satisfied with me. Plus I have the basic level in Korean that can help me in work a lot. All the worker there speak only English so does she. But one fact which really makes me crazy. Only in about 20 minutes she finally asked about my visa status, and it turned out, I did not suit to this job, because I can not yet work legally as I am a student and for a legal job I have to stay in Korea for at least 6 months. But in the resume that I sent to them beforehand, it was written in black on a white sheet that I'm a student and I am holding a student visa. Why not just ask about the visa status at once in order not to waster neither my time nor theirs. They just make people come and go back with no positive results..... Ah, annoying.

Though the place was really nice and I liked it a lot, damn it...
So exactly this way I have no job again and will soon stay with no money.
Complete crap ((((((.
Okay. I will survive and make it work somehow))))).
I took some photos of the toilets inside couple of subway stations. Restrooms are so cool here ,I have to say. Well, starting with the fact that in St. Petersburg, for example, there are no toilets at all in a subway. And I do not even know if they are going to appear or not in the future. Here ... at each station and on each branch there are a few of them. It is very nice. Really. because people sometimes do need to use a restroom. maybe Russian people not, but for me it was a real discomfort not to be able to go for a need. Besides, toilets here are not just ordinary once like those on the streets in Russia where it is impossible to go without a gas mask LOL .... Here, even walls are painted.
The toilet
The same toilet

The rules how to behave it the university restroon. So cute
Painted walls in some subways:

Oh .... And just a little bit about my study. Today was kind of half a lesson. Out of usual 4 hours we studied only 2, and the rest of 2 hours we were watching a very good korean movie together with another group. The film is called "The Temptation of Wolves". Quite am old one (released in 2004) . It was really so sad drama. All of us were about to cry. Personally I like these kinds of movies- melodramatic and sad with a deep meaning. And recently, in the last few years, I became very sentimental, and in the contrary with my past I can easily burst into tears watching some sad moments. I was so differsnt before like an ice and stone.
"The Temptation of Wolves"
The main actor of this film is one of my favorite Korean actors named Kang Dong Won (강동원). He is so cutie)))))))))).

Maybe someone of you know his famous old movie "Duelist"? The movie is just great. So beautiful scenes- simply breathtaking..... I would say it is even a little folklore. There are beautiful sword fighting scenes, it's not even a battle, it's real dances with swords, and among these dances a beautiful and tender love story of 2 rivals are shown to us. So, what I want to say is if you have time and wish just try to watch both of them. I'm sure the majority of Korea lovers are going to like them)))).

He looks like a doll here
Sword dance

One more film I would like to recommend is called "Time of our love". Again sadness and despair pervades the entire film .... The actor, as I have noticed, is the real master to present such roles to the audience, so they are all worth watching, honestly.

"Time of our love"