воскресенье, 3 апреля 2016 г.

Looking for a job in Seoul - the complete crash!!!

It's been 2,5 months since I've been here and it's high time to looking for a part-time job here, actually any job to be able to live here since all my money that I've brought with me are gone already. Besides from the very beginning I was planning to stay here for at least more 6 months. Thus i can complete all the 6 levels of the Korean language. And if it had not be able to stay here, live and work I could feel free go back home knowing at least the language. After all I had planned to teach it to people who are eager to learn Korean somewhere at courses in St. Petersburg. But I paid in advance for the first six months, and for the other half, I didn't of course, as I do not possess a bag of money after all ... LOL. So it's really necessary for me to make this bag here as the life here is not very cheap as you may know ..... This is where the problems start .. Well, to begin with, I have a student visa, and it is impossible to work the first six months here. I mean legally work. Because as you've just arrived you are not supposed to know the language neither the culture. After six months if you need and want to have a part-time here the university must provide a work permit, after what you are allowed to work only 20 hours a week.... Though I can not still understand why I do need to wait for the long period of 6 months if I can presumably speak and understand Korean. I mean it is just an example but truly I'm sure there are foreigners here who already know Korean at a descent level to be able to work here, aren't they? That's a question. Even though my level is kind of basic but I certainly can speak some easy sentences and understand about 70 percent of Korean people's speech......

Of course it is possible to find a job where job offers do not care about your visa, it will be simply not official one..... but ..... There are also a couple of problems. ... There are some job available but they require either fluent Korean level or a full-time up to 14 hours a day, or work at night. None of this does not suit me. Money is money, but I came here, first of all, to learn Korean and i need to for it since my lessons are from 9 am to 1 pm, 5 days a week. That is why "from morning to night" schedule is definitely not for me. At night, too, because I study in the morning, do some home task in the afternoon  and should sleep and rest at night. Besides subway closes at 12 pm and opens at 5:30 am. So it may turn out to be a complete mess. I've also tried tutoring. It also didn't work out option. It requiers so many stuff to be a teacher. The first is a working visa. Certificate of a good level of English. The second- a medical record- the document which proves that you don't have any serious diseases. The third- a criminal record that shows that you are not a criminal and haven't been in jail. You are going to work with kids after all, damn it .....

One thing definitely works for me ... well Korean is necessary of course, but along with it the knowledge of English is required also. And thank God it is something I aware of .... I am really lucky in this.
So  yesterday I went for an interview for the waitress position in the Indian restaurant. The owner is an Indian guy, he was quite nice, but the young Korean boy he is working with was that pleasant in my eyes. He found me too fragile so that I can not handle this work during peak hours. Well, of course, everybody tends to judge only by appearance. Though he is also as slim as a stick. So they didn't call me back. And also I do not understand the reason why the boss consults with an ordinary worker .... Well, one more mystery to my collection)))).
Today I had one more interview. Also as a waitress in a bistro - restaurant in European district. The person who was leading the interview was an American girl. She liked me. The reason is that I used to be in the USA before and had an experience in similar sphere- I was working in the supermarket though don't remember it's name (((((. In short she was quite satisfied with me. Plus I have the basic level in Korean that can help me in work a lot. All the worker there speak only English so does she. But one fact which really makes me crazy. Only in about 20 minutes she finally asked about my visa status, and it turned out, I did not suit to this job, because I can not yet work legally as I am a student and for a legal job I have to stay in Korea for at least 6 months. But in the resume that I sent to them beforehand, it was written in black on a white sheet that I'm a student and I am holding a student visa. Why not just ask about the visa status at once in order not to waster neither my time nor theirs. They just make people come and go back with no positive results..... Ah, annoying.

Though the place was really nice and I liked it a lot, damn it...
So exactly this way I have no job again and will soon stay with no money.
Complete crap ((((((.
Okay. I will survive and make it work somehow))))).
I took some photos of the toilets inside couple of subway stations. Restrooms are so cool here ,I have to say. Well, starting with the fact that in St. Petersburg, for example, there are no toilets at all in a subway. And I do not even know if they are going to appear or not in the future. Here ... at each station and on each branch there are a few of them. It is very nice. Really. because people sometimes do need to use a restroom. maybe Russian people not, but for me it was a real discomfort not to be able to go for a need. Besides, toilets here are not just ordinary once like those on the streets in Russia where it is impossible to go without a gas mask LOL .... Here, even walls are painted.
The toilet
The same toilet

The rules how to behave it the university restroon. So cute
Painted walls in some subways:

Oh .... And just a little bit about my study. Today was kind of half a lesson. Out of usual 4 hours we studied only 2, and the rest of 2 hours we were watching a very good korean movie together with another group. The film is called "The Temptation of Wolves". Quite am old one (released in 2004) . It was really so sad drama. All of us were about to cry. Personally I like these kinds of movies- melodramatic and sad with a deep meaning. And recently, in the last few years, I became very sentimental, and in the contrary with my past I can easily burst into tears watching some sad moments. I was so differsnt before like an ice and stone.
"The Temptation of Wolves"
The main actor of this film is one of my favorite Korean actors named Kang Dong Won (강동원). He is so cutie)))))))))).

Maybe someone of you know his famous old movie "Duelist"? The movie is just great. So beautiful scenes- simply breathtaking..... I would say it is even a little folklore. There are beautiful sword fighting scenes, it's not even a battle, it's real dances with swords, and among these dances a beautiful and tender love story of 2 rivals are shown to us. So, what I want to say is if you have time and wish just try to watch both of them. I'm sure the majority of Korea lovers are going to like them)))).

He looks like a doll here
Sword dance

One more film I would like to recommend is called "Time of our love". Again sadness and despair pervades the entire film .... The actor, as I have noticed, is the real master to present such roles to the audience, so they are all worth watching, honestly.

"Time of our love"


воскресенье, 20 марта 2016 г.

Grand Chilfren Park in Seoul


Yesterday my friends and I decided to take a walk, since the last week we didn't leave our dorm even for a half of a day, except for the university and, of course, going to the club. I hope you remember my previous post)))).
So, in order not to be bored, spending days of our youth, buried like a mole within 4 walls, we went out to get some fresh air. So this time we fixed upon the so-called Children's park And for the name.... there is a certain reason why this park bears a name like this. Even the subway stairs at the park justify its name. Damn, when I saw this painting on the ceiling, floor and walls, I was just stunned. Koreans really spare no efforts and time in order to  ennoble the city and make everything look nicer. Inside the subway station near the exit which goes to the park there is a huge colorful cartoon cat face up on along the whole ceiling and down on the floor you can see the tiger's mug of a big size. The whole wall is painted with colored owls on a purple background. That all looks so bright and so right to the point!!!
The wall inside the subway station
Subway exit. Kids are surely happy to see these
Also the exit. So original idea)
The park is just full of mothers with children, a lot of stuff for kids to be entertained.... but that does not mean that there are only kids there, of course. The park is a very colorful and beautiful place, really stunning scenery, as, indeed, in any other park in Korea. There is always place to go enjoy the nature, believe me. You do believe, don't you? )) There are also many couples in live who long for getting away from unnecessary eyes, and just young people who want to have some rest and fresh air, as we do, come with friends. Entrance to the Park is the gates of another small palace of the same architecture as Gyeongbokgung Palace Deoksugung Palaces. Buildings or constructions of the same shape and style are literally in every corner.
Botanical garden
Have entered inside the park, we saw a lotus pond, a pink lotus pond, such a beauty, especially in front of the traditional pavilions, where you can get in and relax, sit or lie down, as you like, or make a bunch of photos in various poses. But, of course, the first you should do is to take off shoes. So we, in addition to decorous pictures, tried to show all the passion, but it didn't work out, of course. All these actions merely made us burst into tears with laughter caused by this comical situation, ruining everything. Besides apart from us there were elderly people so i guess we looked not very cool in their eyes...))))
The trees embracimg the sun
The Lotus Pond

Our next stop was the Museum of Water. Actually we hoped to get inside, but failed as it was already closed. But we weren't really upset and right near the front doors, again, we started taking photos on the background of an interesting spherical facade of the museum. There were 2 very cute figurines of pink and blue colors, symbolizing 2 spirits the Han River, as far as I get to know.
The Har River spirits
The Water Museum

Then we went to a small zoo which is also inside the park. And since I love animals, I annoyed girls with constant talk about how much I want to see those animals. Unfortunately, for some reason, the cages were almost empty, those rare animals that were there were out of our sight somewhere inside the cages. There was even an elephant, but we couldn't see it .... such a big area at its disposal, really very huge, but I suspect that its natural habitat is not even close to be compared. It's too bad for elephants and all the other animals being kept like that in cages((((.
The cage for the elephant

And one more cool thing .... It was my first time when I saw kangaroos in real .... They turned out to be so much cute)))) and they have huge long claws I couldn't even imagine claws are like that.

By the way, there was Timon))) Yes, the  meerkat from our beloved cartoon "The Lion King" and "Timon and Pumbaa". I did not see him Pumba there to my regret. Maybe they don't keep boars there, I'm not sure. Well, still there were goats, somehow hanging about on stumps. I do not understand why why did they chose those stumps instead of just simply lie on the ground as they didn't even suit there. There I could see even a pony. That's particularlt all who I saw there. All the other cages were empty.

By the way, there is something like an open museum of Robots .... so interesting. They were made from the piece of iron designed by different figures, such as Avatar with his girlfriend and that unique unusual wild cat, she rode in the movie))), other figures of some aliens, animals and many others. In fact, I did not see such a thing in Russia, but I liked the idea itself- it's quite original.
We even took a series of photos on the benches, which are angel wings attached to, another bencher holds butterfly wings. Also unusual place and nice pictures. I could even become the angel-girl in the flash.
I'm a butterfly
Am I not cute as an angel?))))
As all the parks in Korea, there is a large area covered with grass and trees.
Especially it's good for going on picnics with family, or just for lying on a grass and rest, quietly reading a book or sitting on your boyfriend's or girlfriend's knees LOL (I'll open a secret to you .... I definitely prefer to sit on the guy's knees))))) but, in the absence thereof, knees girlfriends also work =)))). But as I don't have  a boyfriend here, because he is far away from me in Russia, my friend's, who is a girl, knees are not that bad to lie on and relax.

That's where we are now .... on the bright - green grass, nice sunny day, and such beauties as we  are(let me be a little boaster today ))), photos came out to be so cool. .. Beautiful, cute, and even a little funny and vulgar, well, you are to blame good mood and my good company of friends)))). We tried to portray cocky wild cats, hahaha ... Personally I do not know how to pose perfectly, I find it easier to play football)))), so I'm so bad at it, that's why half of those photos are exactly screamingly funny)))))

In general we had a very nice walk in a very beautiful park, but there are really so many kids. It would be better if nobody but us were there, it would be so cool))). Ah, right, on e more thing ......- the fountain. There is a fountain, that attracts hundreds of people of all ages who looks for a nice place to sit and relax watching the waters. And in the evening, when  the backlight are turned on, the fountain is poured with all the colors of the rainbow. Very beautiful. And even there we made fun taking photos in dancing poses. We even tried to dance tango, in front of about 40 people. 
Well, I hope they understand everything we do, after all we are foreigners, so we can afford it =)))).

суббота, 5 марта 2016 г.

Night club in Korea

Yesterday my friend's groupmates decided to go out to a night club, not any club, but in Gangnam area. It is the most prestigious expensive district in Seoul where the majority of celebrities live). He really just such proportions. You come there, and the people seemed to have gone from the screen of Korean dramas, all dressed-up, cool cars, and the hotels are the most nicest ones. And that was right on time as I tried to found out  where are all these Korean boys and girls with the pretty faces, beautiful lines, in expensive brand clothes and luxury cars. That turned out to be there- on Gangnam. The club where we were headed is called "Octagon". It ranks 9th out of hundreds of the best clubs in Seoul. And it's really so awesome. At least I found it very cool. There are 3 floors there, a huge dance floor, the music is great (just as I like)- electro and house. The way how it sounds is much better and differ from that of  St. Petersburg's club music. Besides, the luck was on our side that day, we came by 10 pm and the entrance fee was only 10$. For  Gangnam area is not bad actually, because starting from 11 pm the cost would be 30$. The fee includes one free drink, alcohol, water or juice, whatever you want. So do any other clubs in Seoul. Well, at least it was the same in those clubs where I have already been (5-6 of them).
There were 7 people of us.

My Russian friend, one Chinese guy, one Turkish guy and 2 Japanese girls
We entered the club, went down to the dance floor. First we went to powder our noses. The toilet was as in the best hotel. So  huge, sofas and ottomans and two huge wall mirror. And there we came across the magnificent view .... Some girl..... some are sitting, some are lying, doing make-up, drying hair and making it and even likely dressing up. There were huge bags with clothes and other stuff to fix themselves up. In other part of this restroom there were toilets and sinks, again, with huge mirrors. So, you don't need to waste your time at home, just need to come by 10 pm and ... doll yourself up right here))).
The restroom.Unfortunately, I couldn't take the photo of the whole of it
There was one problem. I was told there were a dress code and face control, too. So we had to put a more or less sexy and nice clothes on, so that brutal, but at the same time quite friendly and cute guards spread the red carpet in front of your beautiful legs and let you in to the club .... ))) I'm joking, of course, there were no carpets. We just had to bring our ID cards for them to check our age. We made the payment inside. We stopped, looked around, and after 10 minutes went to search for any cafes to eat and drink something - mostly alcohol (but only 2 girls were drinking, the others prefered not to, and I was not the exception. The reason are my constant headaches and anyway I hardly ever drink, only socially and not often and much, and I come to clubs just to dance and for no other reason))).
The dance floor at the moment when we just came in at around 10 pm. So it's too early for people to come and dance
The girls were drinking makgeolli - Korean traditional alcoholic drink 6.5-7%. It is also called rice wine. Since it is made from rice it is milky color and slightly sweet. I gave it a try and I would say, I was not impressed.. Though my Korean assistant simply glorified makgeolli, saying that this drink have the variety of flavors, such as banana, strawberry, pineapple flavors and something else. Well, I'm not sure that everybody will like it...... As they say "Tastes differ"
So we ate, drank, and finally went to the club.
Trying to kill our time in KFC
We came back it at around midnight and there were so many people already there. Again, the music was great, and our bodies began to move under it themselves)))). I noticed the DJ and was staring at him the whole time. And not only me. Other girls also drew attention to him. It's because he was very cool, handsome, with huge shoulders, stylish hair and beautiful face, and the music- the music he twisted .... In short, we stared at him, until he was replaced by another DJ .... ... We were fully upset. Well, nothing to do. We just continued to dance .... By the way there were so many Russian girls there and they were rocking and kicking asses.... in one word they really enjoyed. Maybe only Europeans behave themselves very open  .... Korean (Asians) try to look shy and modest, at least the vast majority, but there are, of course, as everywhere, exceptions .... And that is only facade. I mean they want to make other people think that they are so nice and well-behaved. But in fact they are not. In fact there are so many drunk and insane girls ... exactly the girls, not boys. Just imagine the picture...... Drunk girls are being carried out of a club in a half-dead condition, or girls lying around in the bushes, and emptying their stomachs by shooting the cats. Honestly, it is so disgusting. Yesterday I watched the girls with guys who were headed straight to the nearby hotel  with skirts and dresses hiked up in back reveling there intimate zones without even noticing it or just not caring at all about it. Hush!!!!…..
This is the area wgich is cowered with clubs and tus crowds of young people
Each hour there very more and more people even though there was hardly room to breath.   There was one group of young people ... I do not know ... maybe models. Americans. Girls and guys are all tall, handsome, beautiful, sexy=)). Couple of guy looked a bit girlish so I supposed they were gays. Anyway they drew so much attention that even the most dressed-up  Korean guys were in shock and died of envy, because those guys are simply overshadowed everything and everybody ... .. And then the girls-girls. A good part of those that were on the dance floor just stuck to those American guys. We were also there near them but we were there from the very beginning and those cool guys appeared later. One of them even came up to me and talked... My friend (girl) was so surprise and shocked. She couldn't believe in our luck. LOL. His name was Rodrigo and he was from Brazil .... Haha ... .Though I was sure that he was an American. And by the way, all the time he was half-naked. All of those guys simply took their t-shirts off showing their biceps and piercings in their  nipples LOL))))) Anyway, he asked my name, introduced himself and after this just was gone with one of those cool girls. Well, frankly speaking I do not care about all those sweet guys as their look is only the beautiful  wrap, nothing more. Of course, maybe he is not only handsome but possesses some other good features as well, but who knows!)))).

There were enough Korean guys with a good style there, so were girls, all tall, slim, on high hills, with a good attracting make-up. In short, there were everything in them necessary to draw attention ...
By the way, Clubs in Korea are much more safer than in Russia, and probably, in America and in Europe. Yes, of course, guys stick to girls, even to me. But ... ..I just say "No, thank you" and that's it.... it usually works. Next time they will not try to do it again So, they are not that insistent, that is going to be a good news for ladies, who usually go to a club just for relaxing, enjoying the music, simply dancing and spending with friends.
At the end of the story ... .. We left the club at around 3:30 am, just because we were so tired and didn't leave the floor even for a couple of minutes. And even despite the fact that none of us wore high hills, already at 3 o'clock in the morning we were completely dead and our feet cried for help and were longing for the rest))))))). So we decided that was time to go home ... But the guys refused to catch a taxy as it was a bit expensive.... well, not that much, but definitely more expensive than to go by train..... and as you may already understood.... we are just students here with no money((((, so we had to wait until 5:30 am when the subway opens. And at that time I just was dreaming about the flying magic carpet ...  or a time machine, or a magic lamp ... you know, that you can snapped you fingers, and find yourself in a comfortable dorm room in your little cozy bed under the blanket and black teddy-cat beside you....... Mmm, so nice =)) )))).

среда, 2 марта 2016 г.

Night Seoul (Namsan Tower and Yuksam Building)

Seoul is a very busy and crowded metropolis with many different sided . Especially you are going to be surprised by its view at night. It seems like the city breathers and comes into life in the evening and night time. At night Seoul is covered with lights and filled up with youn people walking around till the very morning, couples on dates, students heading to a club or bar. Besides, lots of  shopping centers are open until 3-4 am. So the city gives everything fort the comfortable and interesting life. The small streets are full of people drinking alcohol right there on the streets in small restaurants with plastic tables. You can also come across the drunken men walking together hand in hand in order to maintain balance and help each other not fall down. But, girls may absolutely not be afraid of going out at night along the main streets of Seoul, and during the slow walk no one will stick to them with the weird questions like as it is in Russia, "Hey, sweetie, where are heading? Wanna hang out?" ...))) in the best happened.....and in the worst ... ... .well, I would not say that. I believe everyone can guess what the man can offer to an alone straying girl. But this is in that case, if we are, ladies, don't find ourselves in the Itaewon district which is famous for its night life the crowds of Europeans or Americans there who can behave exactly like that. because mostly Korean guys don't stick to girls. Some of them, of course, do, but the majority behave themselves more decently. Well, okay, let's stop talking about bad stuff and will switch into and something pleasant =)).
So, the night view of the Seoul ... .. One of the most popular places, in this eay, is Seoul Namsan Tower (Tower N). At the top of Namsan Mountain - in the heart of Seoul you cam find the Seoul N Tower. Its height is 237 meters. It is a symbol of the city. Exactly its top offers you a breathtaking view of the entire city. This is a great place for lovers, even tickets to the tower itself are being sold for two people and they cost 20$.
Namsan Tower - the front view
From the observation deck you can fully enjoy the extraordinary views that mak the city spread before your eyes like a palm of a hand. Especially at night the landscape is so magnificent. Moreover, depending on the time of year or the content of ongoing festivals, the Tower changes its lights due to the newly installed lighting system. And every evening between 6 and 12 pm, 6 long-distance spotlights are being projected into the sky where, changing the colors, they create an image of a blossoming flower. I, unfortunately, didn't see such a great show. But don't worry, I still have time to go see on the Tower at least once more))).
The view from the observation deck through the window
In addition to the observation deck, cafes and restaurants, Asian and European cuisine, there is also a teddy bear museum. I did not go there, but I saw the front show window and it was just amazing. Well, plus I'm still a big fan of teddy-bears, not only bears, but any other fluffy toy animals))).
Roof Terrace which is located on the roof is also a special and  favorite destination among tourist. First of all, right from this place Seoul and the Han River, flooded with lights, appears in front of visitors' eyes. However, it is better to observe this view at night and on clear days. As in Korea the weather is very humid, and often the most superb views are just cowered with the smog. And yet here you will come across the bridge which is covered with cute locks. Couples, as I wrote in some of the my posts, are very fond of thus - locks and cards, even napkins with messages and love confessions, and all these things they give this place a special romantic atmosphere .... The girls, and, actually, the boys as well, take it into account!!!!!! ...)
So, there are so many locks, floods of locks, locks on the locks, because there's even no place for  hanging the new ones. They can be bought right there in the shops. But the price, of course, is a bit higher as it should be. So it is better not to buy the locks there, but in other stores outside the Tower. In any case, it is very cute. I check it out because I'm consider myself a hopeless romantic person!_)))
Lock, locks and locks
Another interesting point in the tower is the "Heavenly toilet." Yes, you heard it right, it is a real toilet, but unlike the common one this toilet is so cool. In Korean it sound like 하늘 화장실. When one of my friends told me: "Come, I'll show you a heavenly toilet", at first I thought that I misheard it somehow. And it was hard to believe that the toilet can be really beautiful. But it is true. And why is it called like this? Well the reason is because the walls are made of glass in it, and since we are high above the ground, you have the same feelings as if you were on the observation deck, you can observe the city drown in night lights from here. Washbasins and mirrors  are of  the same beauty. And imagine the lights of the huge city outside the window reflect from mirrors and glass surfaces. Could you? It's great, isn't it?))) And being right there and seeing it with your own eyes is surely worth visiting. Men should feel even better. These pissoirs are located directly near the window, which means, they can enjoy the view of the blazing lights of Seoul right in the process of.......... you got it, right?:-)). In the case of women, there closed toilet cabins in the restrooms. So it differs, but still cool))).
Heavenly toilet
Very nice, isn't it?
By the way, you can either walk up to the Tower (but there's a lot of steps, and all of them are, of course, uphill) or can take a cable car (it's faster, but costs 8$ up and back). And if there are a few people , for example five, you pay $ 40 for all 5 of you. But you have to go up and down together as the ticket is only one. Otherwise, if you are separated, somebody will have find some other way to go back. That what happened to us. There were 5 of us and we bought this ticket. But suddenly 3 girls wanted to go home earlier. We even didn't finish walking around. Besides, me and my friend had plans to go inside the tower and for this we needed to wait till it was dark outside... So we tried to find the way out. But we can not tear the tickets apart. So we gave the ticket to them I couldn't even imagine the idea of overcoming a huge number of steps down (well, at least down, not up). But we were lucky. There was a bus still running back to the station, so we didn't have to work our feet into blisters:-)
Cutie Kim Su Heyon on the background

Nice place for couples
2 Japanese girls are in the center
I will finish with the stories about Seoul Tower for now, but I would like to drop a line about another popular spot among tourists and even Koreans themselves - Building 63 (Yuksam Building) - the tallest building in Seoul. This skyscraper on Yeouido Island on the bank of the river Han in Seoul is 249 m in height. It also has an observation deck on the top floor with views of the serene city and Han River. I was there as well. But frankly speaking I did not enjoy it. That was a cloudy day though the view was not really clear. But anyway I think it is not much different from what you can see from the Namsan Tower.
Yuksam Building (Building 63)

But, nevertheless, if someone decides to go visit this building ( it looks very nice from outside, the building seems to be build of pure gold), be sure to choose a clear sunny day to be able to see the river water sparkling in the rays of the sun, and one more thing .... You'd better before the sunset so you can kill two birds with one stone. Because, above all, you can also see the view of the night Seoul. You can buy a combined ticket (unfortunately, I'm not aware of the price), which allows you not only to visit the observation deck but also wax museum and 3-D cinema that are located on the 1st floor of the aquarium.
Postcards with notes
And, by the way, you can rent bikes right here, next to Yuksam Building))).
That's all for now))))).