среда, 2 марта 2016 г.

Night Seoul (Namsan Tower and Yuksam Building)

Seoul is a very busy and crowded metropolis with many different sided . Especially you are going to be surprised by its view at night. It seems like the city breathers and comes into life in the evening and night time. At night Seoul is covered with lights and filled up with youn people walking around till the very morning, couples on dates, students heading to a club or bar. Besides, lots of  shopping centers are open until 3-4 am. So the city gives everything fort the comfortable and interesting life. The small streets are full of people drinking alcohol right there on the streets in small restaurants with plastic tables. You can also come across the drunken men walking together hand in hand in order to maintain balance and help each other not fall down. But, girls may absolutely not be afraid of going out at night along the main streets of Seoul, and during the slow walk no one will stick to them with the weird questions like as it is in Russia, "Hey, sweetie, where are heading? Wanna hang out?" ...))) in the best happened.....and in the worst ... ... .well, I would not say that. I believe everyone can guess what the man can offer to an alone straying girl. But this is in that case, if we are, ladies, don't find ourselves in the Itaewon district which is famous for its night life the crowds of Europeans or Americans there who can behave exactly like that. because mostly Korean guys don't stick to girls. Some of them, of course, do, but the majority behave themselves more decently. Well, okay, let's stop talking about bad stuff and will switch into and something pleasant =)).
So, the night view of the Seoul ... .. One of the most popular places, in this eay, is Seoul Namsan Tower (Tower N). At the top of Namsan Mountain - in the heart of Seoul you cam find the Seoul N Tower. Its height is 237 meters. It is a symbol of the city. Exactly its top offers you a breathtaking view of the entire city. This is a great place for lovers, even tickets to the tower itself are being sold for two people and they cost 20$.
Namsan Tower - the front view
From the observation deck you can fully enjoy the extraordinary views that mak the city spread before your eyes like a palm of a hand. Especially at night the landscape is so magnificent. Moreover, depending on the time of year or the content of ongoing festivals, the Tower changes its lights due to the newly installed lighting system. And every evening between 6 and 12 pm, 6 long-distance spotlights are being projected into the sky where, changing the colors, they create an image of a blossoming flower. I, unfortunately, didn't see such a great show. But don't worry, I still have time to go see on the Tower at least once more))).
The view from the observation deck through the window
In addition to the observation deck, cafes and restaurants, Asian and European cuisine, there is also a teddy bear museum. I did not go there, but I saw the front show window and it was just amazing. Well, plus I'm still a big fan of teddy-bears, not only bears, but any other fluffy toy animals))).
Roof Terrace which is located on the roof is also a special and  favorite destination among tourist. First of all, right from this place Seoul and the Han River, flooded with lights, appears in front of visitors' eyes. However, it is better to observe this view at night and on clear days. As in Korea the weather is very humid, and often the most superb views are just cowered with the smog. And yet here you will come across the bridge which is covered with cute locks. Couples, as I wrote in some of the my posts, are very fond of thus - locks and cards, even napkins with messages and love confessions, and all these things they give this place a special romantic atmosphere .... The girls, and, actually, the boys as well, take it into account!!!!!! ...)
So, there are so many locks, floods of locks, locks on the locks, because there's even no place for  hanging the new ones. They can be bought right there in the shops. But the price, of course, is a bit higher as it should be. So it is better not to buy the locks there, but in other stores outside the Tower. In any case, it is very cute. I check it out because I'm consider myself a hopeless romantic person!_)))
Lock, locks and locks
Another interesting point in the tower is the "Heavenly toilet." Yes, you heard it right, it is a real toilet, but unlike the common one this toilet is so cool. In Korean it sound like 하늘 화장실. When one of my friends told me: "Come, I'll show you a heavenly toilet", at first I thought that I misheard it somehow. And it was hard to believe that the toilet can be really beautiful. But it is true. And why is it called like this? Well the reason is because the walls are made of glass in it, and since we are high above the ground, you have the same feelings as if you were on the observation deck, you can observe the city drown in night lights from here. Washbasins and mirrors  are of  the same beauty. And imagine the lights of the huge city outside the window reflect from mirrors and glass surfaces. Could you? It's great, isn't it?))) And being right there and seeing it with your own eyes is surely worth visiting. Men should feel even better. These pissoirs are located directly near the window, which means, they can enjoy the view of the blazing lights of Seoul right in the process of.......... you got it, right?:-)). In the case of women, there closed toilet cabins in the restrooms. So it differs, but still cool))).
Heavenly toilet
Very nice, isn't it?
By the way, you can either walk up to the Tower (but there's a lot of steps, and all of them are, of course, uphill) or can take a cable car (it's faster, but costs 8$ up and back). And if there are a few people , for example five, you pay $ 40 for all 5 of you. But you have to go up and down together as the ticket is only one. Otherwise, if you are separated, somebody will have find some other way to go back. That what happened to us. There were 5 of us and we bought this ticket. But suddenly 3 girls wanted to go home earlier. We even didn't finish walking around. Besides, me and my friend had plans to go inside the tower and for this we needed to wait till it was dark outside... So we tried to find the way out. But we can not tear the tickets apart. So we gave the ticket to them I couldn't even imagine the idea of overcoming a huge number of steps down (well, at least down, not up). But we were lucky. There was a bus still running back to the station, so we didn't have to work our feet into blisters:-)
Cutie Kim Su Heyon on the background

Nice place for couples
2 Japanese girls are in the center
I will finish with the stories about Seoul Tower for now, but I would like to drop a line about another popular spot among tourists and even Koreans themselves - Building 63 (Yuksam Building) - the tallest building in Seoul. This skyscraper on Yeouido Island on the bank of the river Han in Seoul is 249 m in height. It also has an observation deck on the top floor with views of the serene city and Han River. I was there as well. But frankly speaking I did not enjoy it. That was a cloudy day though the view was not really clear. But anyway I think it is not much different from what you can see from the Namsan Tower.
Yuksam Building (Building 63)

But, nevertheless, if someone decides to go visit this building ( it looks very nice from outside, the building seems to be build of pure gold), be sure to choose a clear sunny day to be able to see the river water sparkling in the rays of the sun, and one more thing .... You'd better before the sunset so you can kill two birds with one stone. Because, above all, you can also see the view of the night Seoul. You can buy a combined ticket (unfortunately, I'm not aware of the price), which allows you not only to visit the observation deck but also wax museum and 3-D cinema that are located on the 1st floor of the aquarium.
Postcards with notes
And, by the way, you can rent bikes right here, next to Yuksam Building))).
That's all for now))))).

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