воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.

Real magic hair in Seoul

On Friday my day was productive. After the class I went right to the hair saloon to make my hair straight with the permanent called "Magic". How I longed for straight hair, nobody knows!!! .... Starting from middle school I have been burning my hair with ironing in order to get rid of these obscure curls on my head at least a little bit. I tried to do everything possible and impossible so that in the end, I just spoiled it and turned it into some kind of straw. My hair grow quickly, but the ends of hair break off even though I stopped using the iron to make it straight. So frustraiting((((
But then I found out about the magical process that is able to solve my problem. .. According to the workers and friends who have already tried the Magic before, my hair can stay straigh for almost a one-year period. It is definetely worth its price of 94$. I was told that in Russia the similar procedure cost much more. Besides, as my hair is very wavy and the ends are completely dead (plus they usually don't do this Magic on dyed hair) it turn out to be more expensive than usual cost on my hair length. But even this price is Ok for me. So the whole procedure took 3 hours. 
After washing my hair. And still almost straight.... In the contrary with what I've had before ))))
What was before the "Magic"
It was with a friend, so it wasn't really boring. We sat next to each other and kust had talks. And the workers- 2 young girls who worked on us were very friendly and communicable. The one that worked with my hair was eager to talk to me. Thank God, my Korean level was enough to understand and reply and we could even speak on general topics. Thus we discussed my studies, and she was very surprised to get to know that I study Korean language at Korean courses))). We also compared the weather in Russia and Korea, laughed at very strange Busan accent (Busan is the second largest city in Korea after Seoul, the port city, and its people's "speech" is very different from that of Seoul, which I got to know from the Korean drama called "You are all surrounded " with my favorite actor Lee Seung Gi ..hahah;.. By the way I recommend this drama to everyone who wants to had fun and rest. 
My friend is also under the "Magic")))
Right after the hair saloon
 After our transformation, I, my friend Inna and her groupmates went to a local cafe to eat, drink and play some party games. It was real fun. Her groupmates are all very friendly as well as their KOrean teacher who is so active and lively. Their groupmates are mostly Japanese, and they are very funny. There is one boy among them who use more makeup than me ... but ..... I'm actually not a good example as I hardly ever use make up. But his face is maked up as a doll's face, BBcream, lenses, eyeliner, and he runs to smarten up 3 times per hour. By the way, he is believed to be gey))))
And here is that "boy-girl" with pink hair
Thus as the result of all his actions he really looks like a girl. But he's still not a cute as he want to look, I would say. But some of the girls, especially Japanese consider him to be a cutie. And the teachers!!! The pour students' glasses with alchogol and insist on drinking to the dregs. Actually, from long ago it is considered unacceptable to contradict with the elders in Korea, whatever the request is. Now, of course, it is not that strict than before, but there are still the examples when the elders make the youngsters drink and serve them in all the spheres. Especially it can be seen in Korean companies. 
Anyway, the meeting was very nice and fun, even though I was "helly"  disturbed by my hair. I was told I shouldn't wash and fasten my hair for 2 days .... I was worn out, but the nice evening was worth it 
Here is the most part of the group. The others are at the other side of the table
And by the end of the day here is a magnificent sunset

суббота, 27 февраля 2016 г.

Imperial Palace "Radiant happiness" Gyeongbokgung and "Palace of Virtuous Longevity" Deoksugung

Today was a round-up of Gyeongbokgung Palace. It took us 4 hours to walk around and observe all its beauty. Even though we could observe only the small part of it as the Palace's territory is really huge. 

Gyeongbokgung Palace or Gyeongbok (in short) is a complex built in 1394 and is located in the north part of Seoul. It was the main and the biggest of 5 Palaces that were built in Joseon Dynasty in which the Royal family lived. That's why this palace is of such a great scale and a magnificent view. The central part of it was constructed in accordance with the stars location. An important element of the landscape of the palace is a Square Pond, on which there are  three artificial islands. The Square pond symbolizes the sky, The round islands on the pond represents the Earth, and the three divine Mountains stands for Taoism.
The Pond
Now the palace is an open-air museum. Before entering the palace, we saw the colorful staging of guards changing, which are used to be held here during the Joseon Dynasty. It was really awesome. The guards stand in front of the Main Gates absolutely still in the 30C heat. seems like they don't even blink. Well, nothing to do with it, that's how they had to stand on duty more than 600 years ago.
Main gates. The guard are on duty
We were surprised by striking colors of their outfits. Bright red, blue, yellow, orange and turquoise.These clothes could be try on, what we, of course, did. We were given only 5 minutes. There were 3 of us girls and of course we took some photoes as they were very funny. We really had fun because we looked so silly in these outfits with our height (a little over 155 sm))). 
Kung-Fu Panda )))
We tried to pose a liitle)
The outfit of Jeoson Dynasty
After that we went to observe the palace itself and the territory in which it is located. The entrance ticket costs only 3000 won (3$). I would say it's rather cheap for this beauty. In fact, for all the 6 centuries while Seoul is the capital of the Korean kingdom, there were 5 royal palaces built on its territory: Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Deoksugung, and Jongmyo palaces.Each of them represents not only the part of Korean kingdom history, but also the spirit of its age. BUT..... Their architecture is very similar to each other. That's why, in fact, one had better visit only one palace- Gyeongbokgung, as it is considered to be the most magnificent of all 5.

The emperor's throne

Statues representing Chinese horoscope
Totems protecting from the evil
The real beauty

I also visited Deoksugung ( "Palace of Virtuous Longevity"). It is known for its carefully laid out stone paths. Besides this is the only palace in which the constractions have been built in the western style, which gives a significant uniqueness to its external look. There even was one pavilion the facade of which was in the style of Russian wood carving. I even did not expect to see anything like this=)). Again, very beautiful, colorful scenery and views, but basically, nothing particularly new.
With my groupmates in Deoksugung Palace

Russian wood carving
Very specific arcitecture

So colourful

So beautiful, isn't it?
Korean architecture is very beautiful and specific. Almost from anywhere in the palace you can see the examples of architecture of traditional roofs. And look at the throne room jf the palace alone!!! Stricking beauty! Just a mere walking in the area is worth the time that we spent, even though, it was just awfully hot and stuffy. But, as they say, do not be lazy and do not miss a chance to enjoy the completely new country with its unique culture, traditions and way of life .... even if it's 35-degree heat outside the walls of the hostel  ...... Wow and humidity, just like in the bath =))).
The nature of Korea is amazing in its beauty. The traditional buildings and the palace itself look so great on the background of this nature , that takes your breath away.
 Also on the territory of the palace there is the National Folk Museum, which gives an overview of the Korean people's life in Joseon Dynasty. There you can find everything that relates to the arts, crafts, clothing and household items of that period.
In general I can say that the Gyeongbokgung Palace is one of the most amazing places, and it is definitely worth your attention.

пятница, 26 февраля 2016 г.

Hangang Park, fountain and bikes


Today me, my friend Inna and my "toumi" (korean helper who helps foreign student to get used to korean culture and helps them in practising Korean) went to Hangang river to ride bikes- do some exercises let us say😊. Even though I have this guy who is to help me with my Korean, turned out that he can decently speak English, and as I'm that kind of person who'd rather not speak at all than do any mistakes, all the way around we spoke only English, so there was no practice for me. But it's only my fault so I don't complain. 
A friend of mine with whom I came to Korea
So we rented bikes at one of the banks of the river. By the way, the river area with its park is very beautiful and popular with koreans especially young couples and families. Thee are 27 bridges all in all over this river which connect the south and the north parts of Seoul. Hangang Park is situated on the both sides of the river and is 30 km long. It is considered to be the best park in Seoul and consists of several smaller parks. The most popular among them is Yeoido Park. That was the exact place where we headed. 
One-hour bike rent is 3000 won (around 3$). One hour was enough for me, moreover it was very hot, but we were lucky- it was a sunny day. Usually here in Korea the sky is covered with smog and the sun hardly every appears in the sky.

One-hour rent is 3$
After the riding we went straight to the fountain which is in this very park in order to set our damped legs after this tiring walk into the chilly life - giving water. There were so many people and kids, oh my gush!!!! We took some photos which went out very bright and nice. Of course, they did..... It's because I!!!! was the photographer that day... and the model as well😆

Walking in water in such a hot day is a 100% delight
The sun leaving the sky through the fountain splashes 
Such a beautiful sunset
My friend felt so hot..... actually it foesnt matter what the weather is, she is always hot..... So she made the decision to dip into the water. But the decision took too much time so I help her and pushed her a bit..... Well, because I was tired to look at her unsuccessful tries and take this silly video with her...... ))))
In the result, as she is stronger than me, we appeared in the fountain together as though I didnt have any wish to get wet.... at all!!!! Luckily she at the very last moment she gave my phone to Hwan (my korean helper), so nothing bad happened to my mobile otherwise I would really kill her, as I've been already mad at her by getting me into the water. 
My korean helper
It was very sleppery there so in the process of fighting with her, pulling and pushing I fell down and if not the the luck I would hurt my head😠. When I get out of the fountain only one though appeared in my head being addressed to my friend -"Go to Hell!!"😈. Hwan was watching us and laughed a lot as if we were completely crazy!!!!! I bet we looked like crazy though =). But for me it was not really funny because later in a bus where there are airconditioners all around, I got so cold till the death and it took me nearly 1 month to recover. Next time if something like this happen my friend will never ever stay alive. I'm giving my word!!!😆
Our look after my heroic fall into the water
The river Han on the background

My helper Hwan